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The Salvador Carnival is one of the biggest popular festivals in Brazil, very well organized and bringing together more than 2.5 million revellers in the streets of Salvador.
“Imagine that, what a crazy mix. Joy, joy is the state we call Bahia.
Of all the saints, charms and axé. Sacred and profane, the Bahian is: carnival…”. The greatest anthem of Carnival in Bahia, the song “Chame gente”, by Morais Moreira, perfectly sums up not only the democratic spirit, the beauty and the incomparable joy of the city of Salvador, but above all, the frenzy felt here every February during the biggest open-air popular festival on the planet.
From the simple “fubica” of Dodô and Osmar, to today’s colossal trios elétricos, the carnival has gained status, infrastructure, new artists, and ended up definitively conquering the millions of hearts that have played here.
See also History of Salvador Carnival
Inside the blocos de trio, in the “pipoca” in the middle of the crowd, or in the newly created, super-luxurious cabins, revelers here will live transcendental experiences that will raise their adrenaline and contentment to a limit never reached before.
During the six days of a practically non-stop party, the big names in our music will all be gathered on the city’s 26km of streets and avenues, aboard their trios and surrounded by their blocos, driving the gears of this immense dream factory.
In the interior of the state, there are quieter, but no less interesting options, such as the “Carnaoeste”, which takes place in the city of Barreiras; the carnival in the paradise of Canavieiras, in the south of the state and the “folia roots”, in Palmeiras, in the heart of the Chapada Diamantina.
Finally, the highlight is the festivities in Porto Seguro, which begin a week after the official calendar to revive the euphoria that has been silenced by the hangover in the capital.
Salvador’s carnival breaks records with around 2,700,000 revellers over six days, partying on three main circuits: Dodô (Barra-Ondina), Osmar (Campo Grande-Avenida Sete) and Batatinha (Centro Histórico).
Video about the carnival in Salvador de Bahia
Carnaval de Salvador da Bahia
How to celebrate carnival in Salvador
1. Salvador carnival circuits
Salvador’s carnival is divided into circuits spread across different parts of the city, dividing the crowd into those who prefer it quieter and those who prefer it busier.
The main circuits of the Salvador Carnival are
- Dodô (Barra/Ondina),
- Osmar (Campo Grande)
- Batatinha (Pelourinho)
These are the most famous circuits and are popular with audiences of all ages, styles and tastes.
But there are also other circuits such as:
- Riachão Circuit,
- Orlando Tapajós Circuit
- Master Bimba Circuit
- Sergio Bezerra Circuit
Which are also very lively and guaranteed fun.
The Batatinha circuit is best suited to families who want to enjoy Carnival with older, nostalgic marchinhas.
The Omar Circuit and the Dodô Circuit are suitable for the more agitated revelers, with the Osmar Circuit lasting 7 hours of revelry until you reach the starting point.
The vast majority of Carnival blocos in Salvador are paid for and you receive an Abadá (a T-shirt with the colors that symbolize the bloco).
This way you can enjoy the party closer to the trios elétricos, all within a cordon.
During Carnival, several famous artists perform, dragging crowds into the revelry with lots of lively music and relaxation.
The most popular music played in the trios elétricos is axé, but there are also other musical styles. One example is the Rock Stage, which attracts many people who like this style of music.
2. Salvador Carnival Cabins
For those who want to enjoy the Salvador Carnival in style and comfort, the ideal option is to opt for the parties that take place in the Salvador Carnival cabins.
They offer a differentiated structure with air-conditioned bathrooms, buffet, open bar, DJs, famous artists, among other perks. This party is a little more expensive and tickets are very popular, but it’s worth checking it out.
The price of tickets for the cabins at the Salvador Carnival depends on the day of the party, the gender of the reveller and the circuit chosen.
3. Economy option at Salvador Carnival
To experience the Salvador Carnival without spending too much, a great option is to enjoy the Carnival Pipoca. This party is also known as blocos sem cordas, because they don’t have a cordon and are therefore completely free. The party is very lively and also features a variety of attractions.
4. Salvador Pre-Carnival
We mustn’t forget Salvador’s Pre-Carnival parties, known to the public as “Fuzuê” and “Furdunço”.
These are parties attended by famous artists, with lots of animation, music and joy and which give a taste of what the Salvador Carnival will be like that year.
Related Articles
- History and Chronology of the Salvador de Bahia Carnival
- King Momo, Pierrô, Harlequin and Colombina – Carnival Characters is the largest travel and tourism guide for Bahia and Salvador.