Of the historic heritage towns in the north-east, 11 are in Bahia and depict the process of occupation of Bahian territory up until the end of the 19th century. The listed towns of Cachoeira, Itaparica, Porto Seguro and Santa Cruz de Cabrália represent this period, when sugar cane, and later […]
Tag: Igatu
Architectural style of the Chapada Diamantina
The architectural style of the Chapada Diamantina reflects the rich history of the region, marked by the diamond mining cycle in the 18th and 19th centuries and the presence of European cultural influences, mainly Portuguese. In the Chapada’s historic towns, such as Lençóis, Mucugê and Rio de Contas, colonial buildings […]
The main cities and towns of the Chapada Diamantina region
The Chapada Diamantina, a region in the heart of Bahia that has a national park that conserves 152,000 hectares with hundreds of waterfalls, archaeological sites and sumptuous geology. The scenic beauty of the Chapada Diamantina National Park pleases natives and tourists alike, it is a territory that has a vast […]
Chapada Diamantina’s Garimpo History
Mining and garimpo were the great economic engines of Chapada Diamantina centuries ago. First gold, found in the 18th century in Rio de Contas and Jacobina, then diamond, whose first deposits were discovered in the early 19th century in Mucugê. Many of the towns of the Chapada da Diamantina retain […]
Igatu Tourist Points, Poço Azul and Poço Encantado
Igatu, Poço Azul and Poço Encantado are one of the most important attractions of the Chapada Diamantina. Igatu is a district of the municipality of Andaraí, in the state of Bahia, in Brazil. Igatu has a historic stone house, from the 19th century, a remnant of the Diamond Cycle era […]
Andaraí which is the second main city of Chapada Diamantina
Andaraí is abundant in attractions, the municipality is in the central region of the National Park. Andaraí is among the cities that found their economic and population apogee during the diamond cycle. Abundant in attractions, the municipality is in the central region of the National Park. Andaraí is among the […]