5 main tourist attractions you need to see in Recife PE. Recife offers a range of tourist attractions for all tastes. As well as the region’s beautiful beaches, Recife also enchants with its historical and cultural attractions. Recife is one of the oldest cities in Brazil, founded by the Portuguese […]
Tag: Recife
31 places to travel in Northeast Brazil
The wonders of northeastern Brazil deserve to be flaunted whenever there is a gap. And in this case, that’s exactly what we’re going to explore in this post. Comprising the area from the Parnaíba Delta to the Recôncavo Baiano, the attractions of the northeastern coastline are spread across the beautiful […]
Casa Grande & Senzala was the work that consecrated writer Gilberto Freyre
Casa Grande & Senzala was the work that consecrated the Brazilian sociologist and writer Gilberto Freyre. This essay, released on December 1, 1933, addresses the formation and economic-social development of the Northeast during the colonial era. The author sees in the cultivation of sugar cane, in the middle of the […]
Visit the Modern and Interactive Cais do Sertão Museum in Recife
The Cais do Sertão Museum, located in Recife, is a cultural space dedicated to valuing and preserving the culture of the sertanejo, especially the life and work of Luiz Gonzaga, the King of Baião. Opened in 2014, the Cais do Sertão Museum is one of the most modern and interactive […]
Orchid grower collects more than 300 species in Recife
Paulo Vilar lives in Aldeia, in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, is a producer of orchids. Paulo Vilar grows more than 300,000 orchids – a hobby that has become a job and is greatly rewarded when a new flower opens. There are many shapes, colors, many sizes. There are 35,000 […]
Recife of the Dutch and Dutch Invasion in Brazil
Recife dos Holandeses began with the Dutch invasion that was part of the Dutch project to occupy and administer the Brazilian Northeast through the Dutch West India Company. In 1624 the Dutch had already created the West India Company and started plans for the expansion of their overseas domains in […]
Exploring the Charm of Recife: A Historical Journey
Born on the quayside from a natural anchorage, Recife began to expand in 1537 towards the neighbourhoods today called Santo Antonio and São José. The surrounding sugar cane mills gave rise to neighbourhoods such as Graҫas, Madalena and Casa Forte, always on the banks of the Capibaribe River, which cuts […]
Exploring Pernambuco: Beaches, Culture, and Natural Landscapes
Pernambuco is a vibrant and diverse state in the north-east of Brazil, known for its stunning beaches, rich cultural history, and impressive natural landscapes. A glance at the map of Pernambuco is enough to realise the uniqueness of its territory. The state of Pernambuco is a narrow strip of land, […]