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Gravatá in the interior of Pernambuco located 80 km from Recife, on the BR-232 motorway that connects Recife to Caruaru, with an altitude of 447 m above sea level and with a pleasant climate, average temperature of 16 degrees, Gravatá has as its strong point the secular architecture of the houses, the hotel chain, furniture and handicraft shops.
Tourism in Gravatá is marked by nature, trails, farms, waterfalls and stables.
The municipality of Gravatá also has a gastronomic, historical and cultural itinerary, such as squares, Polo Moveleiro and restaurants are visited by tourists.
Public Market, Alto do Cruzeiro, Santana Mother Church, Chucre Mussa Zarzar Events Patio and the Furniture Centre are among the most visited places in the municipality.
Flores and its diverse gastronomy ranging from exquisite Italian, Swiss and regional restaurants to traditional pub food.
Video Tourist Spots of Gravatá PE
Pontos Turísticos de Gravatá PE
Tourist Spots of Gravatá PE
Alto do Cruzeiro
Alto do Cruzeiro, where the statue of Christ the Redeemer is located. It can be accessed by the 365 steps of the so-called Escadaria da Felicidade. From there you can try the gastronomy in local restaurants and watch the sunset.
At an altitude of 600 metres, Alto do Cruzeiro is a natural elevation in the urban centre of the city.
The site is home to rocky outcrops of bromeliads (known as gravatá).
The site has rocky outcrops and bromeliads (also known as gravatá). From there, it is possible to see the urban area, the Serra do Maroto and the Serra Negra, which is part of Bezerros.
The Serra Negra is a small mountain in the centre of the city.
In the Alto there is an image of Christ the Redeemer, the chapel of Cristo Rei, the Cruzeiro, the Escadaria da Felicidade, as well as bars and restaurants.
Address: Alto do Cruzeiro, via Rua 07 de Setembro or Rua Régis Velho.
Furniture Pole
Gravatá Furniture Centre, where rustic furniture made of solid wood, such as maçaranduba, angelim and others, is sold.
The Furniture Centre is located at the entrance to the city and is the place where handicrafts and handicrafts are sold.
The most acclaimed are the rustic-style solid wood furniture. There are also decorative and functional pieces made of aluminium, bronze and vine, among other materials.
The most acclaimed are solid wood furniture in a rustic style.
The space also houses coffee shops, chocolateries, snack bars and food shops.
Address: Rua Duarte Coelho
Monsenhor Cremildo Batista de Oliveira Park
The space is another leisure option for residents and tourists visiting the municipality.
The tourist spot has 37 thousand m², with a 1100 m long Cooper track, a 2200m² bicicross area, a 500m² skateboard track, a water mirror, an amphitheatre with capacity for 1500 people, an arts square, a library, a nursing station, shops and a 140-space car park.
Estação do Artesão – Craftsman’s Station
Estação do Artesão is located in the old railway station, next to the Chucre Mussa Zarzar Events Patio, where local artisans sell their pieces.
Cultural Market
Cultural Market was built in 1911, the former “Charque Market” offers gastronomy and diverse culture.
The old Charque Market gave way to the Cultural Market. To this day, the architecture is preserved. The stalls sell spices and dishes from the typical gastronomy of Agreste. The space also has room for performances by local artists.
The Cultural Market is also a place for local artists.
There is also the sale of handicrafts.
Address: Rua Sérgio Loreto, s/n, centre
Memorial of Gravatá
The Gravatá Memorial is located where the old public jail used to be. Popularly known as a barracks, the building was constructed in 1911 and features military architecture from the early 20th century. The site was the scene of revolutionary struggles in the 1920s, involving tenentism.
In 1985, the old jail became the Pastor Rosalino da Costa Lima House of Culture. In 2002, it underwent a renovation and became the Memorial today. The space keeps memories of the people of the city with documents, photographs, furniture and objects.
Address: Rua Tenente Cleto Campelo, s/n, centre
Palmeira Waterfall
Cachoeira da Palmeira is 15 km from the city, it is commercially exploited.
Gravatá has buildings from past centuries, such as the City Hall Headquarters (1908), the Mother Church of Sant’Ana (1810), the houses on Joaquim Didier Avenue and the Cruzeiro Chapel, which give the city a special charm.
Cascavel Bridge
Cascavel Bridge is located at the height of Serra das Russas near km 82 of BR-232, is about 48 metres high and was built by the English in the early 19th century to support the old railway, which connected Recife to the hinterland. Today the bridge is a destination for those who want to release the adrenaline and venture into an extreme sport, abseiling.
Off-road trails
The residents of Gravatá have a real passion for off-road trails and 4×4 vehicles (with four-wheel drive) and take advantage of the cars to make trails through the most different landscapes of the city.
Horse riding
Gravatá’s title of Land of the Horse is justified by the more than 400 stud farms scattered throughout the municipality, according to the city hall. In addition, it has several events aimed at equine breeding.
Flower Route
Gravatá has a unique perfume. So much so that it is known and recognised throughout the region. Few people know, but the city is considered the largest producer of tropical flowers in the North and Northeast.
Matrix Church of Sant’Ana
The church dedicated to Sant’Ana, patron saint of Gravatá, had its foundation stone laid on 19 October 1983.
The church was built on the same site where José Justino Carreiro de Miranda, the town’s founder, had built a chapel, which was demolished in May 1940. In November of the same year, the new Matriz da Sant’Ana was inaugurated. Today there is a chapel, choir and sacristy and a 35-metre side bell tower.
Address: Rua Rui Barbosa, s/n, centre
Every weekend, hiking trails and abseiling activities are organised along the old railway track and bridges. The most common activities are the 6km trail along the abandoned tracks, and the 50m negative abseil, organised by various private companies.
Every month there are Catholic events that are promoted at Canção Nova de Gravatá, located at BR 232, km 81 (local road). They are programmes with lectures, training and shows.