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The interior of Pernambuco has 4 options of tourist destinations for those who want to know adventure, commerce and the history of the state.
Getting to know the Northeast in the summer is nothing new for Brazilians.
Between the beautiful beaches and the popular carnival, however, the state of Pernambuco offers lesser-known destinations that are just as attractive, with options for adventure, gastronomy and even wine tourism from the coast to the Sertão.
Tourist routes in the interior of Pernambuco
- Catimbau National Park
- Gravatá
- Agreste Region
- Petrolina
1. Catimbau National Park
If instead of an umbrella on the white sand you prefer adventure tourism, the Catimbau National Park – a complex of more than 62,000 hectares of mountains and rocks 182 kilometres from Recife – is the ideal destination for you in Pernambuco.
The place is surrounded by the caatinga, a characteristic vegetation of the Brazilian hinterland.
The place is surrounded by the caatinga, characteristic vegetation of the Brazilian Sertão.
Vale do Catimbau em Pernambuco
In addition to the trails, which range from the steepest to the lightest, Catimbau also offers several archaeological sites, with historical cemeteries and cave paintings over six thousand years old.
To visit the Park, which is free to enter, it is recommended to hire a tour guide from the Buíque city guide association, which is 11 kilometres from the destination. Buíque, in turn, is about 300km from Recife, the state capital.
2. Gravatá
For those looking for the tranquillity and gastronomy that cities in the interior of the Northeast can offer, the municipality of Gravatá cannot be left out of the route.
The place is located on the way to the Noreferrer.
The place is on the way from Recife to Buíque, less than 100km from the capital, and stands out for its excellent hotel structure, with many countryside lodgings in the farm hotel style.
Gravatá em Pernambuco
The surroundings also have some ecological trails ideal for contact with nature.
The area is a great place to visit.
A curious aspect of the city for those less familiar with the region is the highland climate, colder than the rest of the state, with temperatures that can reach 10 degrees at dawn.
The surrounding area also has some great nature trails.
See report Tourist spots of Gravatá in Agreste Pernambucano
3. Shopping and good food in the Agreste Region
Pernambuco can also be a shopping destination. Known as the “jeans route”, the stretch between the three cities in the Agreste Pernambuco – Caruaru, Toritama and Santa Cruz do Capibaribe – produces garments that can be purchased at retail for unbelievable prices.
The region is also known for the production of cheese – curd and butter – and for its gastronomy.
In addition to garments, the region also excels in the production of cheeses – such as curd and butter – and in gastronomy in general. It is worth visiting the Parque das Feiras, in Toritama, and the Feira de Caruaru.
To get there, a suggestion is to head from Recife to Caruaru – a journey of about 2h30 by car via BR-232 – and from there explore the neighbouring towns.
4. Petrolina
In the Sertão region of the state, on the border with Bahia, the city of Petrolina stands out.
Petrolina is bathed by the São Francisco River, the municipality is surrounded by islands that are a full plate for tourism, with waters suitable for bathing and unique gastronomy.
Wine production is another attraction of the place. With seven wineries spread throughout the region, the city surprises those who think that the semi-arid climate of Pernambuco would be inappropriate for this culture.
10 pontos turisticos mais visitados de Petrolina
On guided tours, it is possible to follow all the wine production processes and taste exclusive labels exported to several countries.
To get to the city, the suggestion is to take a plane. The flight from Recife to there takes 1h20. If you prefer to take the road, the suggestion is also to take the BR-232 and continue to the BR-438. According to a Google Maps search, the fastest route takes 9h30 between one destination and another.
See Tourist and Travel Guide of Petrolina in Pernambuco
Tourist Routes to visit the interior of Pernambuco
Tourism and Travel Guide of Pernambuco and Northeast Brazil