History of Brazil

The history of Brazil developed out of a long and complex period of disputes over national projects marked by strong moments of instability.

Brazilian history does not have a well-defined starting point.

Nevertheless, traditionally there is a recurring date of the arrival of the Portuguese with Pedro Álvares Cabral on 22 April 1500 in the coastal region of what is now Bahia.

This was then the “discovery of Brazil”.

However, it should be emphasised that this was the discovery of the Portuguese.

Various ethnic groups already inhabited the territory that became Brazil long before any Europeans landed there.

Brazil is the historical result of several different projects that took place within a specific geographical delimitation. First there was a project of conquest; then a project of colonisation; in the 19th century, a project of Empire and the constitution of a nation-state; and finally, a project of Brazil as a Republic, which is what we are still trying to maintain today.

The History of Brazil can be divided into the following periods:

1. Pre-Cabral Period (~ -1500)
2. Pre-Colonial Period (1500-1530)
3. Colonial Period (1530-1815)
4. Imperial Period
Imperial period from 1822, with Brazil’s independence, to 1889, with the proclamation of the Republic
5. Republican Period
The Brazilian Republic, the period under which the country is still in force, can be divided as follows: First Republic/Old Republic (1889-1930), Provisional Government (1930-1934), Vargas Constitutional Government (1934-1937), New State (1937-1945), Fourth Republic (1945-1964), Military Dictatorship (1964-1985), and New Republic (1985 to the present day).

Esta pintura do século 15 ilustra como o Tratado de Tordesilhas foi assinado
History of Brazil

Chronology of the Portuguese Discoveries

The Portuguese discoveries took place as a result of the Portuguese maritime expansion that marked the history of Portugal and the history of the world. Throughout the 15th century, the Portuguese transformed and perfected all known shipbuilding and navigation techniques. The Portuguese maritime expansion was an unprecedented development. The impression […]

Dom Pedro I e Dona Leopoldina, 1826, por Armand Pallière. Dona Leopoldina (retratada abaixo pelo pintor Joseph Kreutzinger, aproximadamente em 1817), ou Maria Leopoldina, como também passou a assinar como princesa do Brasil, acreditava fielmente que sua vinda ao Brasil e seu casamento com D. Pedro era uma missão conduzida por Deus em sua vida.
History of Brazil

Historical Periods of Brazil

The history of Brazil developed out of a long and complex period of disputes over national projects marked by strong moments of instability. Brazilian history does not have a well-defined starting point. However, traditionally, there is a recurring date for the arrival of the Portuguese with Pedro Álvares Cabral, on […]