Inland – Cabaceiras, Ingá, Areia, Sousa and Araruna

The inland of Paraíba alternates hinterland and mountains, we have the second city of the state Campina Grande, the goat festival in Cabaceiras, rupreste art in the Archaeological Site of Ingá, the dinosaur park in Sousa and the beautiful historical city of Areias.

The interior of the state of Paraíba offers visitors various eco-tourism activities. Among them, enjoy hiking through a landscape where expanses of sugarcane cultivation cohabit with forest, underground caves, thermal springs and crystal-clear waterfalls. Towns such as Campina Grande, where the largest São João in the world is celebrated, Bananeiras and Alagoa Grande stand out, with colonial-style buildings and artisanal distilleries of Brazil’s best-known spirit “Cachaça!”.

As we move further into the interior of Paraíba, the climate becomes drier and the landscape changes dramatically. This region known as O Sertão, is prone to long periods of drought. Here we find giant stones of particular shapes as in “Lajedo de Pai Mateus”, cave paintings of ancient indigenous peoples and important traces of ancient dinosaur footprints of incredible archaeological value.

Inland - Cabaceiras, Ingá, Areia, Sousa and Araruna

Araruna and the Pedra da Boca State Park – Tourism Guide

Araruna is a Brazilian Municipality in the State of Paraíba, being included in the mesoregion of Agreste Paraibano, in the microregion of Curimataú Oriental (formed by Araruna, Cacimba de Dentro, Solânea, Dona Inês, Tacima, Casserengue and Riachão). Nature, history, events, gastronomy, handicrafts and culture are present practically everywhere in the […]