Northeastern cuisine has been directly influenced by the socio-economic factors of the region. The dishes have characteristics of Portuguese cuisine, known during the colonial period; African culture, absorbed at the time of slavery; and indigenous food, inherited from the native population. The recipes generally include vegetables, beef and goat meat, […]
Northeastern culture
Northeastern culture is very diverse, as it has been influenced by indigenous peoples, Africans and Europeans.
Customs and traditions often vary from state to state.
Having been the first region to be effectively colonised by the Portuguese, back in the 16th century, who encountered the native populations there and were accompanied by Africans brought over as slaves, the culture of the Northeast is very particular and typical, although extremely varied.
It is based on Portuguese-Brazilian culture, with major African influences, especially on the coast from Pernambuco to Bahia and in Maranhão, and Amerindian influences, especially in the semi-arid hinterland.
Brazil’s northeastern culture is rich, diverse and deeply rooted in the traditions, history and experiences of the region’s people.
Composed of indigenous, African and European influences, Northeastern culture manifests itself in a variety of ways, including music, dance, cuisine, popular festivals, literature and the arts.
Some of the most prominent aspects of Northeastern culture
1. Music and Dance
Popular music in northeastern culture includes rhythms such as coconut, xaxado, agalopado hammer, samba de roda, baião, xote, forró, Axé and frevo, among other rhythms.
- Forró: A musical genre and dance style that is one of the most representative symbols of the Northeast. Forró includes subgenres such as xote, baião and xaxado. Artists: Luiz Gonzaga, Dominguinhos, Elba Ramalho.
- Frevo: A fast and vibrant rhythm associated mainly with the Pernambuco carnival. The frevo dance is known for its acrobatic movements. Origin: Recife and Olinda, Pernambuco.
- Maracatu: A cultural manifestation that combines music, dance and theatre, originating from Afro-Brazilian traditions.
- Axé: A musical genre that mixes Afro-Brazilian rhythms with pop, samba and reggae influences. Artists: Ivete Sangalo, Daniela Mercury, Cláudia Leitte.
- Eerudite music: Alberto Nepomuceno and Paurillo Barroso stand out as composers, as does Liduíno Pitombeira from Ceará today, and Eleazar de Carvalho as a conductor.
2. Cuisine
- Carne de Sol: Salted and sun-dried beef, often served with manioc, green beans and rice.
- Baião de Dois: A dish combining rice and string beans, usually flavoured with dried meat, curd cheese and other ingredients.
- Acarajé: A fritter of black-eyed peas fried in palm oil, stuffed with vatapá, caruru and prawns. It’s a typical delicacy of Bahian cuisine.
- Tapioca: A kind of pancake made with cassava gum, which can be filled with sweet or savoury ingredients.
- Peixada: Fish stew with vegetables, common in Ceará cuisine.
3. Popular festivals
- São João: One of the most important festivals in the Northeast, celebrated in June with bonfires, gangs, typical food and lots of music. Cities: Campina Grande (PB) and Caruaru (PE).
- Olinda and Recife Carnival: Known for its street block parades, giant puppets and frevo music.
- Festa de Iemanjá: Celebrated on 2 February, especially in Salvador (BA), it pays homage to the orisha Iemanjá, queen of the sea.
4. Literature and the Arts
- Cordel Literature: Popular poems printed on leaflets and illustrated with woodcuts. It deals with everyday themes, fantastic stories and social criticism. Authors: Leandro Gomes de Barros, Patativa do Assaré.
- Literature: the northeast has made a great contribution to the Brazilian literary scene, with names such as João Cabral de Melo Neto, José de Alencar, Jorge Amado, Nelson Rodrigues, Rachel de Queiroz, Gregório de Matos, Clarice Lispector, Graciliano Ramos, Ferreira Gullar and Manuel Bandeira, among many others, standing out.
- Crafts: Includes bobbin lace, ceramics, woodcarving and wood sculptures. Handicrafts are also an important part of the culture of the Northeast, and are even the livelihood of thousands of people throughout the region. Due to the regional variety of handicraft traditions, it is difficult to characterise them all, but the following stand out: woven and sometimes embroidered hammocks with many details; products made from clay, wood (for example, from the carnauba tree typical of the sertão) and leather, with very particular traits; as well as lace, which has gained prominence in Ceará’s handicrafts.
- Cangaço: Movement of social banditry that took place in the Northeast, immortalised in literature and cinema. Notable figure: Lampião.
5. Religiosity
- Religious Festivals: Romarias and saints’ festivals are common, such as the pilgrimage to Padre Cícero in Juazeiro do Norte (CE) and the Senhor do Bonfim festival in Salvador (BA).
- Candomblé and Umbanda: Religions of African origin with a strong presence in Bahia, especially in Salvador.
Northeastern culture is a true celebration of the diversity and resistance of its people, reflecting an intangible heritage of great wealth and importance for Brazil and the world.
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