Colonial Brazil

The period of Colonial Brazil lasted from 1500 to 1822, when the Portuguese dominated Brazilian territory.

The colonisation of Brazil began with the arrival of the Portuguese in 1500, and recent historiography considers the period before the actual colonisation of the territory to be Pre-Colonial, from 1500 to 1530.

Inquisição em Portugal
Colonial Brazil

The History of the Jews in Colonial Brazil

Jews in colonial Brazil faced a complex and often difficult situation. During the colonial period, Brazil was a Portuguese colony and the Inquisition had a great influence on social and religious life. Judaism was therefore forbidden and any Jewish practice was strictly repressed. Judaism had four phases in colonial Brazil […]

Chegada da família real portuguesa no Brasil
Colonial Brazil

Transfer of the Portuguese court to Brazil

Transfer of the Portuguese court to Brazil 1. Introduction In the previous chapter, we saw the main liberation movements influenced by French and English revolutionary ideals. These egalitarian ideals, however, were part of the projects of a literate elite, who looked to the Old Continent as an example to be […]

Colonial Brazil

Colonial Sugar Mills in Brazil

Colonial Sugar Mills in Brazil 1 Introduction In this chapter we will study the establishment in Brazil of the so-called colonial sugar mills or sugar mills in Colonial Brazil The sugar mills set up by the Portuguese, mainly in the northeast and in the region of São Vicente, were to […]

História do Brasil Colonial
Colonial Brazil

Periods in Colonial Brazilian History

The study of the periods of Colonial Brazilian History mentioned below is of paramount importance, as it was from this time that the foundations of Brazilian history were laid. The History of Colonial Brazil was divided into the following periods: The Portuguese maritime expansion and conquest of Brazil, the stages […]

Colonial Brazil

The Dutch invasion of Salvador in 1624

In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Brazil, still under the rule of the Portuguese crown, became the target of foreign interests due to its strategic and economic importance. The Bay of All Saints, in particular, emerged as a vital point on the trade routes, attracting the attention of […]