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Garcez Beach has an incredible view, is quiet and little visited by tourists who decide to go to the famous Morro de São Paulo and other places of the Dendê Coast.
Praia do Garcez, on Ilha d’Ajuda, located in the municipality of Jaguaripe, is another fantastic beach on the Dendê Coast, situated between sea and river, surrounded by Atlantic Forest and coconut trees.
Its sands are white, soft and has a great space for practicing various sports. Its grandiose coconut trees of Garcez beach inclined give a robust air to the beach.
There are stretches where instead of the coconut trees, the trees command the landscape and make shade for visitors. Hiking, quad biking, buggy, motorcycle, among others are common on this beach.
The color of its waters of Garcez beach varies between dark blue, green and gray and as it is quiet and with few waves, it is ideal for bathers or for a speedboat ride.
Video about Garcez Beach and Jaguaripe BA.
In the upper part there is a lawn great for picnics, a parking lot and some beach huts that offer drinks, snacks with typical spices and other dishes, as well as chairs, plastic tables and wooden benches so that visitors can feel at ease.
It is very popular during the turn of the year.
Garcez Beach is discreet, beautiful and preserved; limited to the south by the bar of the Jiquiriçá River and to the north by the outlet of the Jaguaripe River.
This is Garcez Beach, with its 18 km of sand and which begins the southern coast of Bahia.
So discreet, it goes unnoticed by the vast majority of Bahians and tourists usually interested in going to Morro de São Paulo, Biopeba and other destinations on the Costa do Dendê (the first tourist region on the southern coast of Bahia from Salvador).
In fact, from Garcez Beach you can see the lighthouse that is an icon of Morro de São Paulo in the distance.
Stage of one of the most recent editions of the gigantic outdoor music and art festival called Universo Paralelo, Garcez Beach is what can be called a pearl of the Bahian coast still enjoyed by few who are informed about its existence (compared to the infinity of tourists who “pass by” heading to other more famous destinations on the coast).
On this beach halfway between the Dendê Coast and the Recôncavo Baiano (as it is in the jurisdiction of Jaguaripe) the landscape is unforgettable and the relaxation is complete.
How to get to Garcez Beach BA
To get there from Salvador the shortest way is via ferry and BA-001, towards the town of Nazaré, a total of 60 km.
From there, follow another 15 km (on the access road to Valença) to a white sign that points the entrance to Camassandi, Ilha da Ajuda and Garcez Beach.
Along the road, it is another 14 km to the seaside and total relaxation.
Leandro Troesch, the popular Leo, 33, lives to receive visitors at Pousada Paraíso Perdido, where he offers tours by speedboat, 4×4 vehicle and quad bike through a trail in closed forest, a tour that surprises those who think they will only find the beach.
He also highlighted forays to the Landi River and the bars of the Jiquiriçá and Jaguaripe rivers.
He said that the first tour (except on the speedboat) is free, “to get to know”.
From the second, the 4 x 4 car and the quadricycle cost, respectively, R$ 200, for the whole day. The speedboat tour costs R$150, for 1 hour, for groups of up to seven people. Leo is expecting a large group of geology students to visit next month and, with an eye on the next New Year’s Eve, announces the third Lost Paradise, which last year brought together around 500 people for two days of partying.
Electronic music and bands of different styles entertain the public during New Year’s Eve, and it is necessary to extend accommodation at the campsite.
Apart from the festive events, the sound that can be heard in Garcez Beach comes only from the sea, the birds and the ‘whisper’ of the coconut leaves (which, by the way, are abundant everywhere on the shore). Near the beach, a large hut is a strategic support point.
Tourism and Travel Guide to Garcez Beach in Bahia