Map of Africa from 1593

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Mapa da Africa de 1593 - Speculum Orbis Terrae"Africae Vera Forma, et Situs", Jode, Cornelis de Este mapa, extremamente raro, é uma interessante resultado da combinação de fontes cartográficas. Cornelis preparou este mapa para a segunda edição do Speculum após a morte do seu pai em 1591. Substituiu o mapa de África da primeira edição que tinha sido atribuído a Gastaldi. Este mapa mantém o contorno continental de Gastaldi, sendo o interior baseado principalmente no mapa-mundo de Mercator de 1569. Isto é mais evidente nos sistemas fluviais, incluindo o Sachaf lac como a nascente dos rios Zabere (Zembere), Cuama e R. d S. Spirito na África Austral. O mapa também incorpora informações de Ortelius, incluindo a colocação de Zanzibar na costa sudoeste. O mapa está magnificamente decorado com navios e monstros marinhos e representações dos povos nativos espalhados pelo mapa. Infelizmente, o atlas de Cornelis teve o mesmo destino que o atlas do seu pai, tendo sido vendidas muito poucas cópias. Após a morte de Cornelis, as placas de cobre foram vendidas a Jan Baptist Vrients, editor do atlas de Ortelius, que as adquiriu apenas para impedir a sua reedição. Por este motivo, o mapa é muito raro. Texto latino no verso. 
Map of Africa from 1593 – Speculum Orbis Terrae “Africae Vera Forma, et Situs”, Jode, Cornelis de This exceedingly rare map is an interesting amalgamation of cartographical sources. Cornelis prepared this map for the second edition of the Speculum after his father’s death in 1591. It replaced the African map of the first edition that had been attributed to Gastaldi. This map retains the continental outline from Gastaldi with the interior based primarily on Mercator’s world map of 1569. This is most evident in the river systems, including Sachaf lac as the source of the Zabere (Zembere), Cuama and R. d S. Spirito rivers in southern Africa. The map also incorportates information from Ortelius including the placement of Zanzibar on the southwest coast. The map is beautifully adorned with ships and sea monsters and representations of the native people scattered across the map. Unfortunately Cornelis’ atlas met the same fate as that of his father’s atlas, with very few copies being sold. On the death of Cornelis, the copper plates were sold to Jan Baptist Vrients, the publisher of Ortelius’ atlas, who acquired them merely to stop their re-issue. As a result the map is very rare. 

Map of Africa from 1593 – Speculum Orbis Terrae

“Africae Vera Forma, et Situs”, Jode, Cornelis de

This exceedingly rare map is an interesting amalgamation of cartographical sources.

Cornelis prepared this map for the second edition of the Speculum after his father’s death in 1591.

It replaced the African map of the first edition that had been attributed to Gastaldi.

This map retains the continental outline from Gastaldi with the interior based primarily on Mercator’s world map of 1569.

This is most evident in the river systems, including Sachaf lac as the source of the Zabere (Zembere), Cuama and R. d S. Spirito rivers in southern Africa.

The map also incorportates information from Ortelius including the placement of Zanzibar on the southwest coast. The map is beautifully adorned with ships and sea monsters and representations of the native people scattered across the map. Unfortunately Cornelis’ atlas met the same fate as that of his father’s atlas, with very few copies being sold.

On the death of Cornelis, the copper plates were sold to Jan Baptist Vrients, the publisher of Ortelius’ atlas, who acquired them merely to stop their re-issue. As a result the map is very rare. 

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