Orchid grower collects more than 300 species in Recife

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denphal orchid
denphal orchid

Paulo Vilar lives in Aldeia, in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, is a producer of orchids.

Paulo Vilar grows more than 300,000 orchids – a hobby that has become a job and is greatly rewarded when a new flower opens. There are many shapes, colors, many sizes.

There are 35,000 registered species of orchids in the world. If we consider the hybrids, which arise from the crossing between species, there are 140 thousand.

Video about orchid cultivation in Recife

Cultivador de Orquídeas

One of the orchid species that Paulo cultivates is the denphal, a widespread and easily cultivated species, which he imports from Thailand or buys from a laboratory in São Paulo.

“These seedlings can come from a laboratory in this flask, in this system. They are grown in culture media, then they are passed from the bottle, opened, to the trays with individual cells, each plant in a cell, in a vase,” he said.

Orchids take an average of two and a half to three years to start blooming and become interesting for the trade.

The denphal orchid can bloom several times a year, but the appearance of a flower does not mean mission accomplished. “The orchid has to have a standard that the market accepts. You see a beautiful flower, but a plant with only one flower, the first flowering.

We discard this flower so that the next flowering comes with two, three, four, five flowers, “explained Paulo.

Orchids in Recife

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