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The north-east of Brazil has many tourist attractions, natural beauty and an effervescent culture.
Northeast Brazil is made up of nine states: Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Maranhão and Piauí.
With around 3,000 kilometres, the northeastern coastline is a world-renowned destination.
Its beaches and the perfect combination of lots of sunshine, perfect landscapes makes it a sure destination for all times of the year.
With beautiful beaches, many untouched, which are compared only to the Caribbean, and place the Northeast among the great routes of world tourism.
Watch the video about the main tourist attractions of the Northeast
Pontos Turísticos do Nordeste
Millions of tourists disembark at the modern airports in the Northeast every year.
For some years now, the states have been investing heavily in improving infrastructure, creating new tourist centres, and some in the development of ecotourism.
The Northeast is attractive for various types of tourism.
For beach and resort tourism, the region offers thousands of kilometres of tropical beaches, many of which are only partially developed, others still unexplored.
There are, on average, 300 days of sunshine a year in the north-east. There are countless beaches on the north-east coast.
The historical and cultural heritage is also very rich, highlighting the colonial cities of São Luís and Olinda, considered cultural heritage of humanity, and also Salvador, the first capital of Brazil, with recovered historical sites, as well as Recife, an area that was dominated by Dutch in the 17th century.
The city of Salvador was formerly called Bahia, including by residents of the state itself.
It has also received some epithets, such as “Capital of Joy”, due to its huge popular festivities, such as its carnival, and “Black Rome”, for being considered the metropolis with the highest percentage of blacks located outside Africa.
Today, it has been renamed Salvador and currently has a place in the National Historic Register for its rich architectural ensemble, in one of the most famous places in the state – the Pelourinho – listed as a World Heritage Site, Cultural Centre of the World.
For ecological and natural tourism, there are privileged areas in the Northeast, such as the Chapada Diamantina, the Parques Nacionais de Sete Cidades, Serra da Capivara and Lençóis Maranhenses, the Parnaíba River Delta – internationally known for its beauty and biological diversity, as well as several other attractions.
The Northeast also offers rich folklore and handicrafts, characteristic gastronomy and a great diversity of popular festivals, as well as extremely favourable climatic conditions (sun all year round), strategic location, close to major world markets.
Main Tourist Sites of the Northeast
- Beaches: Ponta Verde, Pajuçara and Jaraguá
- Pierre Chalita Museum
- Museu Théo Brandão
- MISA – Museum of Image and Sound
- Metropolitan Cathedral
- Deodoro Theatre
- Church of Our Lady of Livramento
- Afro-Brazilian Museum
- Fundação Casa de Jorge Amado
- Geographical Museum of Bahia
- Elevador Lacerda (Salvador)
- Farol da Barra
- Praias de Porto Seguro
- Pelourinho
- Mercado Modelo
- Igreja do Nosso Senhor do Bonfim
- Museum of Modern Art of Bahia
- Parque das Dunas
- Casa José de Alencar
- Museum of Image and Sound of Ceará
- Memorial of Cearense Culture
- Pinacoteca Floriano Teixeira
- Museum of Droughts
- Jericoacoara
- Arararipe National Forest
- Juazeiro do Norte and Canindé (religious tourism)
- Ubajara National Park
- Chapada das Mesas
- Lençóis Maranhenses National Park
- Guarás Forest
- Historic Centre of São Luis
- Festa do Divino
- Palácio dos Leões (seat of government)
- Parque do Povo
- Paiba Beaches
- Pedra do Cordeiro
- Onças Environmental Protection Area
- Pau-Brasil Ecological Station
- Botanical Garden Benjamim Maranhão (Mata do Buraquinho)
- Dinosaur Valley Natural Monument
- Arruda Câmara Park (Bica)
- Aratu State Park (Mata do Aratu)
- State Park Pedra da Boca
- Guaribas Biological Reserve
- Reserva Ecológica Mata do Rio Vermelho
- Teatro 4 de Setembro
- Igreja Nossa Senhora de Lourdes
- Historical Museum of Pauí
- Palácio de Karnak
- Environmental Park Meeting of the Rivers
- Igreja de São Benedito
- City Park
- Teresina Environmental Park
- Municipal Park of Acarapé
- Praia da Boa Viagem (Recife)
- Muro Alto Beach
- Fernando de Noronha Archipelago
- Porto de Galinhas (beaches)
- Itamaracá Island
- Francisco Brennand’s ceramic arts studio
- Bairro do Recife Antigo
- Paço Alfândega Shopping – beautiful restored building
- Olinda – Historical Heritage of Humanity
- Casa da Cultura: souvenir and handicraft shops
- Cuba do Capibaribe – Cultural Space at Paço Alfândega
- Ponta Negra Beach (Natal)
- Cathedral of Santa Luzia (Mossoró)
- Tibau Beach
- Cabuji Peak
- Forte dos Reis Magos (Natal)
- Statues of the Reis Magos (Natal)
- Camara Cascudo Museum (Natal)
- Tourist Centre of Natal
- Ecological Tourist Park Dunas de Genipabu (Extremoz)
- Praia de Atalaia
- Pirambu Beach
- Historical City of São Cristovão
- Historic Town of Laranjeiras
- Boat trips on the São Francisco River
- Antônio Franco Market
- Fausto Cardoso Square
- Palácio Olímpio Campos
- Emperor’s Bridge
Northeast Tourism and Travel Guide